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Algorithm Student Achievement Index Program (IP) | itfasilkom.blogspot.com

Posted by ITFasilkom Tutorial IT Programming on Saturday, December 31, 2011

This episode i will provide source code to calculate the performance index (IP) students.
May be useful!...

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
this section is part preprocessor program. Contains the include command, which is used to insert a library file or C++ program. In this program, which is used is a library iostream.h, stdlib.h, string.h

class mhs
  char name[24];
  int jml_mk, nilai[24], sks[24];

  void input_data();
  void name_mhs(char *);
  int jum_matkul();
  int jum_sks();
  float ip();

in this section the definition of class mhs, which contains the private and public variable.
In private contains.
1. Array "name" with a length of 24 and of type char ==> to store the name of the student
2. "jml_mk" with an integer data type ==> to keep the number of courses taken
3. An array of "nilai" of length 24 and of type integer ==> to store the value
4. An array of "sks" with a length of  24 and of type integer ==> to keep number of credits
While at the public  contains methods such as mhs(), void input_data(), void name_mhs(char *), int jum_matkul(), int jum_sks(), float ip().

   int i;
  for(i=0, i<24, i++)
/*this section is a constructor*/

void mhs::input_data()
  int i;
  bf char[30];
   bf array of type char with a length of 30 serves as a temporary buffer, for further converted to other data types.

cout<<"Student Name : ";cin.getline(name,24);
this section is to request input from the user in the form of the name of students. The use of getline, so that spaces are not considered by the C++ as an enter key. So the name with two words or more can enter

while((jml_mk<1) || (jml_mk>24))
cout<<"The number of subjects : ";cin.getline(bf, 30);
//entering the number of courses, into the buffer while(bf)

inserting the contents of the bf into jml_mk with command atoi(alphanumeric to integer). So if you enter a character would be considered as the number 0

if((jml_mk<1) || (jml_mk>24))
cout<<"Enter a number  [1-24]  : \n\n";
if the input is false (more than 24 or less than 1), assuming the maximum a student can take a maximum of 24 credits and 1 credits per course. It will appear warning

for(i=0; i<jml_mk;i++)
  while((nilai[i]<0) || (nilai[i]>4) || (strlen(bf)>1))
    cout<<"\nNilai Subject"<<(i+1)<<"=";cin.getline(bf, 30);

Inserting the value of course i +1, into a temporary buffer (bf).

nilai​​[i] = (int) bf [0];
/*Inserting the contents of the bf into the value of [i] with the command int. In order to value the input (form letter) is converted into a numeric code. */

if (nilai​​[i] <70)
nilai​​[i] = 69-nilai​​[i];
else nilai[i] = 101-nilai​​[i];
if ((nilai​​[i] <0) | | (nilai​​[i]> 4) | | (strlen (bf)> 1))
cout <<"Enter the letters [A-E or a-e] :  \ n";
/*The code number is recognized as a letter from AE / ae. If in addition there will be a warning. */

while ((sks[i] <1) | | (sks[i]> 4))
cout <<"The number of course credits" <<(i +1) <<"=";
cin.getline (bf, 30);
/*Entering the number of course credits i +1, into a temporary buffer (bf).\

sks[i] = atoi (bf);
/*Inserting the contents of the bf into jml_mk with command atoi (alphanumeric to integer). So if you enter a character would be considered as the number 0. */

if ((sks[i] <1) | | (sks[i]> 4))
cout <<"Enter a number [1-4] :  \ n \ n";

/*If the input is false (more than 4 or less than 1), assuming the maximum credits each course is 4 .. It will appear warning. */

void mhs:: name_mhs (char * s)
strcpy (s, name);

/*Method to display the names of students*/

mhs int:: jum_matkul ()
return (jml_mk);
//Method to display the number of subjects

mhs int:: jum_sks ()
int i, j;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i <jml_mk; i + +) j + = credits [i];
return (j);
/*Method for calculating the amount of credits. J is a variable to store the number of credits. The program will loop from 0 to many jml_mk. To add to the credits j [i]. */

mhs float:: ip ()
int i, j_sks, total;
j_sks = 0;
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i <jml_mk; i + +)
j_sks + = [i];
total + = (nilai[i] * sks[i]);
return ((float) total / j_sks);
/*Method for calculating the IP based on input received program.
• j_sks used to store the number of credits.
• total number of weights used to store values ​​that are multiplied by credits.
The program will loop from 0 to many jml_mk.
And the values ​​shown (IP)) is the sum total in the amount j_sks. */

int main ()

int i, jum_mhs;
bf char [30], name [24], user [24];

/*Variable declaration consists of:
1. "I" with an integer data type
2. "Jum_mhs" with an integer data type
= To accommodate the number of students
3. Array "bf" with a length of 30 and of type char.
= To store data temporarily and subsequently converted to another data type.
4. Array "name" with a length of 24 and of type char.
= To store the name of the student.
5. An array of "user" with a length of 24 and char data types.
= To store the name of the user program. */

mhs nodes [10];
//Create a node object based on an existing class.

cout<<"Enter user name:";
cin.getline (user, 24);
cout <<"\ nSelamat come," <<user;
cout <<"at the IP Counting Program student \ n \ n";
//Asking enter the name of the user, and displays them in welcome.

jum_mhs = 0;
while ((jum_mhs <1) | | (jum_mhs> 10))
cout <<"Enter Number of Students who will be computed = ";
cin.getline (bf, 30);
//Entering the number of students, into a temporary buffer (bf).

jum_mhs = atoi (bf);
/*Inserting the contents of the bf into jml_mhs with command atoi (alphanumeric to integer). So if you enter a character would be considered as the number 0. */

if ((jum_mhs <1) | | (jum_mhs> 10))
cout <<"Enter a number 1-10 \ n \ n";
/*If the input is false (more than 10 or less than 1), it will display a warning.*/

for (i = 0; i <jum_mhs; i + +)
cout <<"\ nDATA STUDENTS" <<(i +1) <<endl;
node [i]. input_data ();
/*The program will loop from 0 to many jum_mhs, namely input_data calling method. */

cout <<endl <<endl;
cout <<"|--------------------------|-------------|---- -----|----------|" <<endl;
cout <<"| Name of Student | Total | Total | IP |" <<endl;
cout <<"| | Courses | credits | |" <<endl;
cout <<"|--------------------------|-------------|---- -----|----------|" <<endl;

for (i = 0; i <jum_mhs; i + +)
cout.setf (ios:: left | ios:: showpoint);
node [i]. name_mhs (name);
cout <<"|";
cout.width (25);
cout <<name;
cout <<"|";
cout.width (7);
cout <<node [i]. jum_matkul ();
cout <<"|";
cout.width (5);
cout <<node [i]. jum_sks ();
cout <<"|";
cout.width (6);
cout.precision (3);
cout <<node [i]. ip ();
cout <<"| \ n";

cout <<"|--------------------------|-------------|---- -----|----------|" <<endl;

cout <<endl;
return (0);

//Showing the results of the calculations and the data in tabular form

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